Peace lilies are beautiful, low-maintenance house plants. It is probably why they are so popular. However, while you don’t need green thumbs to grow peace lilies, you will find them sagging and drooping if the basics are not covered. It can be rather upsetting but don’t fret; reviving the plant is almost always possible.
If your peace lily is drooping, it is probably because of one (or more) of the following problems:
- Underwatering
- Overwatering
- Too Much Direct Sunlight
- Too Much Or Too Little Fertilizer
- Temperature Changes
- Transplant Shock
I will expand on each one below, plus give you some tips on how to revive your plant.
Common Reasons Peace Lilies Droop
When your plant starts to droop, it is a sign something is wrong. Your job is to find out what it is and fix it! The three most common reasons a peace lily starts to droop are underwatering, overwatering, or/and too much direct sunlight.
Drooping is an early indication of inconsistent watering. If you find the leaves of your plant sagging, it is probably just asking for water. Peace lilies prefer high humidity and generous watering about once per week. However, it is important to drain the soil properly. If not, the plant might develop root rot. Between watering, you can check the moisture in the soil; you want the topsoil to dry out and then immediately water your peace lily before it starts to droop.
The flip side of underwatering is, of course, overwatering. If you regularly water your peace lily, but it is still droopy, you might be overwatering it. Yes, peace lilies like moist soil and humidity, and you should give them water regularly, but too much water can hurt your plant. If the soil is waterlogged for long, it will damage the roots. It is a good idea to let the top inch of the soil become dry before you water your plant.
Too Much Direct Sunlight
While – like all plants – your peace lily requires light, a common mistake is placing it where it receives too much direct sunlight. This will burn the leaves! Instead, place your plant where it receives plenty of indirect sunlight.
Other Reasons A Peace Lily Might Droop
If you are certain your plant doesn’t suffer from any of the three problems mentioned above, you need to dig a bit deeper. Here we will expand on other reasons why your plant is sagging.
Too Much Or Too Little Fertilizer
Peace lilies should only be fertilized sparingly. Too much fertility will hurt your plant. On the other hand, if you have had your plant for several years and never given it any fertilizer, that’s not ideal either. Experts recommend fertilizer once or twice a year, preferably in the growing season. If you fertilize more often than that, you should do so at a reduced rate. Your fertilizer will have a recommended amount on the label; you can cut this recommended amount in half if you fertilize often.
Temperature Changes
The optimal temperature for your peace lily is 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 24 degrees Celsius). They prefer stable temperatures. Don’t place your plant in an area with large temperature swings, and don’t let the temperature drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius).
Transplant Shock
If your plant outgrows its pot, you should repot it in a bigger pot. However, you have to be very careful because if it does not adapt to the new soil, it will suffer a transplant shock, and as a result, it will start drooping. Give the plant some time to adapt and make sure the soil is dry (but not parched) when repotting peace lilies. Generously water (and drain) the soil afterward.
How Do You Revive A Droopy Peace Lily?
The first step to solve a problem is finding the cause. Check for inconsistencies in your plant care routine once you see your peace lily drooping, wilting, and sagging. If you know you go too long between watering, this is likely the problem. If you water very often and do not let it drain, you probably need to fix this. Also, remember to be careful with the amount of direct sunlight your plant receives.
Once you learn the reasons behind your droopy peace lily, you can take corrective measures to make it thrive again.
A few pointers to revive your plant are:
- Drain The Soil: If you suspect the problem is excessive watering and drainage problems, create a draining hole. Most plant pots have a draining hole at the bottom, but you can easily create one if yours doesn’t. Once you water the peace lily, let all the excess water drain out. Also, only water the plant after testing the soil for moisture with your finger.
- Water Regularly: Water your peace lily regularly. Otherwise, underwatering will make them dry and limp. Water the peace lily generously, but – again – remember to let excess water drain.
- Keep Away From Direct Sunlight: Your peace lily will become droopy even with appropriate watering if it is over-exposed to direct sunlight. If you want to grow a healthy plant with dark green perky leaves, move it away from direct bright sunlight and place it where it will receive plenty of indirect light instead.
Final Words
In peace lilies, drooping is usually caused by underwatering, overwatering, or too much direct sunlight. If you have already ruled those out, check your fertilizer routine, ensure the temperature is appropriate, and consider whether your plant might suffer from transplant shock.
Drooping and wilting is an early indication that your plant needs attention. If the problem goes untreated, it might eventually kill your plant. Use the tips mentioned above, and soon your peace lily should be perky again.