Peace Lily Leaves Twisting – What Happened And How To Fix It

Peace lilies are lovely tropical plants. Generally, they are not fussy and will thrive in the right conditions. However, if your peace lily leaves suddenly start curling, check out the solutions below.

How Do I Fix Twisting Leaves On A Peace Lily?

  1. Put your plant in bright but indirect light.
  2. Make sure the temperature is approximately 65-90 ℉ (20-32℃).
  3. Maintain adequate humidity. 
  4. Keep the soil moist but don’t overwater. 
  5. Plant in a pot with adequate drainage and well-draining soil. 
  6. Don’t over-fertilize.
  7. Repot if you see roots in the soil or coming out of the drainage holes. 
Brainy Garden made a video on peace lilies and curly leaves. You can check it out here.

Make Sure Your Lily Gets The Right Amount Of Light

Peace lilies grow in tropical forests in warm, humid temperatures under a shady canopy of trees. They grow best in bright, indirect light. 

If your plant sits in direct sunlight, its leaves may curl from too much sun. If you have sunny windows, place the plant a few feet away from the window to receive indirect light. 

Likewise, if you keep your lily far from the window or only have meager light, your lily is probably not getting enough light. 

Remember that the amount of light changes throughout the year in many places. You may need to move your plant out of the direct sun in the summer months or move it closer to the window in winter to get adequate light. Your plant may need time to adjust to being moved. 

Keep Your Peace Lily At The Right Temperature

Peace lilies are tropical plants that don’t tolerate cold or very high heat.

The ideal daytime temperature for peace lilies is around 65-90℉ (20-32℃). Slightly cooler temperatures at night are acceptable. 

Ensure your lily is not close to a heat source such as a radiator or air vent. Likewise, don’t place your plant near a drafty window or door or in front of an air conditioner. 

If possible, keep your lily in a place with no significant temperature fluctuations, as they like constant temps.

Your Peace Lily May Need More Humidity

If you live in an arid climate or your home gets dry in the winter, your peace lily might need extra care regarding humidity. 

You can mist the plant a few times a week (use distilled water or rainwater) or place a humidifier in the room with the plant. 

If you have adequate light in your kitchen or bathroom, you might consider placing your peace lily in those rooms as they are the most humid. 

Potted plants increase humidity through transpiration and evaporation, so it may be a good idea to grow your lily near other potted plants. 

Water Your Peace Lily Correctly

The rule of thumb is to water only when the top inch of soil is dry

Remember that your plant may need different amounts of water depending on the season and how much light it is getting.

Uneven watering can also cause twisting leaves. Always make sure you saturate the entire surface of the soil when watering. 

If you feel your peace lily is getting the correct amount of water, but the leaves are still curling, you might try using distilled water or rainwater, so the plant is not exposed to the chlorine found in most tap water. Alternatively, leave tap water out overnight to let the chlorine evaporate.

Give Your Peace Lily Adequate Drainage To Avoid Root Rot

If your peace lily’s soil isn’t adequately draining after each watering, its roots will be weakened and cannot keep the plant healthy. 

Do not leave your lily sitting in a dish of water, as this will prevent adequate drainage. 

Make sure your pot has drainage holes in the bottom. You may even want to add rocks or pebbles to the bottom of the pot to increase drainage. Ceramic pots help dissipate moisture and keep the soil moist but not soggy. 

Peace lilies do well in most regular potting soil, but if you find your lily isn’t draining well, change the soil to something with more porous organic matter. 

If you suspect your plant has root rot, you must trim the dead roots and repot the plant. 

Don’t Over-Fertilize Your Peace Lily

Be careful not to over-fertilize your peace lily. If you suspect this might be the problem, try a schedule of fertilizing with a diluted liquid fertilizer every other month in the growing season only.

Repot Your Peace Lily As Needed

Peace lilies don’t love shock or change, so you don’t want to repot your peace lily too often. 

However, if you notice roots coming up through the surface of the soil or growing out of the drainage holes in your pot, it is probably time to repot. Root-bound plants will not be able to absorb water adequately. 

The new pot should only be 1” (2-3 cm) larger than the existing one. Make sure you use fresh soil with good drainage. 

If your plant has grown quite large, this might be a good time to split it into several smaller plants.

Final Words

If your peace lily has twisting leaves, don’t panic! Twisting leaves can usually be fixed, but it might take some patience and loving care for your plant.

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