How Much Sunlight Does A Peace Lily Need?

Peace lilies thrive when they receive around 12 hours of indirect or filtered sunlight per day. Be careful with how much direct sunlight they receive, as this can hurt the plant and leave the leaves scorched.

In this article, you will learn the basic light needs of your peace lily, including what type of sunlight is best, seasons that may require more light, and what happens if your plant receives too little or too much light.

Peace lilies make a lovely addition to any household and can last for years if properly cared for.

Should My Peace Lily Be In Direct Or Indirect Sunlight?

Take care not to put peace lilies in direct sunlight; rather, an east-facing window will provide sufficient indirect sunlight. Also, be sure to expose your plant to enough light. While they are tolerant of low light, too little light will prevent them from flowering.

Bright, filtered light that avoids the intensity of noontime sunlight rays is the best light condition for your peace lily. If exposed to too much direct sunlight, their leaves can suffer from scorching and die.

Is There A Season My Peace Lily Will Require More Light?

Peace lilies need more light during growing seasons than during seasons when it is dormant. Of course, whether your plant grows and blooms or stays dormant depends – among other things – on how much light it receives. If you live far from the equator and want to avoid long dormant periods during the winter, you should consider artificial grow light for your plant.

Although light is essential for your plant’s growth, be sure that with longer natural light exposure in the summertime, they are not in the path of direct sunlight. If this is unavoidable, try drawing a sheer curtain between the window and your peace lily during the times of day when the sunlight is direct to avoid harming your plant.

What Happens If My Peace Lily Receives Too Much Light?

If exposed to too harsh light, usually in the form of direct sunlight, your peace lily’s leaves will start to turn yellow, then brown, and eventually, they will curl up. If you notice these symptoms, move your plant away from direct sunlight, and prune dead leaf stalks close to the base of the plant.

Yellow leaves are still alive and can continue to grow, although they may not appear aesthetic. Therefore, you can consider letting them remain attached unless they turn brown.

What Happens If My Peace Lily Receives Too Little Light?

While peace lilies thrive with indirect and filtered light, this does not mean they appreciate no light at all. If your plant is not receiving adequate light, it will not flower. While the foliage of peace lilies is becoming, those beautiful white flowers are vital to the plant’s appearance and a sign of your plant’s health.

If you want to place your plant where it will receive no light – maybe a bathroom without a window – you might want to rotate it. Place your peace lily one month in the bathroom, then one month near a window where it will receive a fair amount of indirect light, and so on.

Final Words

Peace lilies are generally tolerant of low light conditions. As rainforest floors of tropical regions are their natural habitat, they are used to about 12 hours of filtered and indirect light per day. This is what is optimal for your plant.

Their sunlight requirements make placement in an east-facing window ideal. However, if the only window available receives direct sunlight, you can draw a sheer curtain to avoid scorching your plant.

You can promote growth and flowering by letting your peace lily absorb extra rays in the spring and summer. During dormant periods your plant will require less light. If you live far from the equator, where winters get very dark, you can consider adding some artificial light, to make the dormant period shorter.

Finally, always watch for signs of too little or too much light. These signs include a lack of flowers and brown and curled leaves.

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