Do Peace Lilies Like Humidity?

If you want your peace lily to thrive, you need to understand and meet its needs. Humidity is one such need, as peace lilies crave it. They are tropical rainforest plants, after all, and thus used to a damp environment. In fact, peace lilies generally prefer humidity levels of over 50 or even 60 percent.

The air inside a home tends to be drier than outdoors, so it’s important to pay attention to humidity levels to ensure that you provide what your plant requires. A peace lily will often be happier with regular misting.

Do Peace Lilies Like Humidity?

Peace lilies do like humidity, yes. These plants are native to rainforests, and they have adapted to grow in wet environments. However, the inside of a home is usually drier than normal humidity levels outside and does not come close to the humidity of rainforests.

Although it varies enormously, many homes fall between 30 and 60 percent humidity, so unless your home is on the damp end of the scale, your peace lily will not be getting enough moisture. This is particularly true if you live in a dry part of the world.

You can use a hygrometer to measure the humidity levels in your house. It’s not strictly necessary, but they are usually inexpensive and can help you gauge whether the humidity needs of all your plants – not just your peace lily – are being met.

How Much Humidity Does A Peace Lily Need?

A peace lily is happiest when the humidity is between 50 and 60 percent, but your plant may manage if kept at lower humidity levels than this. Many people do not mist their peace lilies, and the plants will still grow.

Indeed, peace lilies are known for being hardy plants, and they will generally cope even if the conditions are not ideal for them. However, if you want your plant to thrive, you should provide some extra humidity to give it the best chances of success. Keeping your plant happy will result in lots of growth and may improve the chances of it flowering.

What Happens If Your Peace Lily Does Not Get Enough Humidity?

Most peace lilies will continue to grow in conditions that are not optimum for them, and you may not notice any difference in your plant if you keep it in low humidity. However, if the humidity is low, your plant might start to suffer.

First, you will find it rarely – if ever – blooms.

Secondly, you might notice curling leaves, yellow leaves, and brown tips. The new growth may not unfurl properly, and the plant might look thirsty even when it has had plenty to drink. Please do not fall into the trap of overwatering it, as this can lead to root rot and could even kill the plant. Instead, give it a gentle humidity boost.

How To Provide Your Peace Lily With Enough Humidity

You can give your peace lily extra humidity in different ways. You will probably find that one option suits you best, but we will cover the three main methods for humidifying a peace lily.

Method One: Buy a humidifier. Probably the lowest maintenance method, a humidifier will allow you to mist your peace lily with very little work. All you will need to do is plug it in, switch it on, and switch it off later. Occasionally, you will need to top up the water reservoir.

It would help if you remembered to turn it off when your plant’s environment is humid enough, or your peace lily will be more vulnerable to fungal infections. Make sure you don’t leave it on constantly. A timer can make this method even lower maintenance.

Method Two: Mist your plant. If you would rather be a bit more “hands-on,” misting your plant is an excellent alternative to the humidifier. You can buy a simple spray bottle from a garden center and use this to lightly spritz your plant’s leaves every few days.

It would be best if you did this in the morning so that the leaves have time to dry out before evening. This reduces the risk of fungal infections or rot.

Method Three: Add a humidity tray. This is a budget version of the humidifier. All you need is a reasonably deep tray with no holes in it and a bag of marbles or pebbles. Fill the bottom of the tray with pebbles and then top it with water.

Stop just before the surface of the water covers the pebbles, and then place your plant on the pebbles. It will not get overwatered because the pot won’t touch the water. Over the course of the day, a gentle mist will evaporate from the water and refresh your plant’s leaves.

Again, remember to regularly remove the plant from the tray to avoid it getting too wet.

Where Should Peace Lilies Be Placed In Your Home?

Since they prefer warm and humid conditions, a bathroom might be a good place for your peace lily. Bathrooms are naturally more humid. If you regularly shower in there, this is even better, as this provides warmth and humidity at the same time. Unless, of course, you prefer cold showers!

Remember, however, that your peace lily does need some light. These plants are shade tolerant, but if your bathroom is dingy, your peace lily might do better elsewhere with a humidifier. However, if you have a reasonably well-lit bathroom, put your peace lily in there and let it enjoy a warm misting whenever you shower.

Final Words

Peace lilies like humidity. If you keep one in an arid environment, it may show its unhappiness through curling, browning leaves, reduced growth, and lack of flowering. To avoid this, make sure you provide humidity. This can be done in many ways; you can mist your plant, buy a humidifier, or just place it in your bathroom!

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