Why Is My Peace Lily Not Blooming? (And What To Do!)

Since you are reading this, I assume you adore your peace lily, and you want to have a beautiful white flower rising above the bright green foliage. To ensure you achieve this, you should know the common reasons a peace lily might not bloom.

Peace lilies have a place in our homes not only because of their beauty but also because of their ease of care. They can withstand little sunlight and practically warn us when it is necessary to water them. Still, to enjoy their beautiful white flowers, we will need a little more than that.

First, you need to cover the basics. If your plant is not blooming, make sure:

  • you have a sensible watering-routine
  • you use appropriate soil
  • you don’t under- or overfertilize
  • the light your plant receives is just right
  • you don’t expose your plant to extreme temperatures

The second step is probably the most difficult: patience. If your peace lily already has optimal conditions and is not blooming yet, you will need this.

Artificial Growth Hormones

Maybe you bought a blooming peace lily from the nursery, and the flower lasted for about a month, but it never flowered again. This happens because nurseries use growth hormones to make their plants bloom before they mature. So you will have to wait until your plant fully develops and is ready to bloom again.

Naturally, the flowering time of peace lilies begins when the plant has matured after a year or a year and a half. But do not despair if your peace lily is still young; keep on reading, and we will guide you to make sure it blooms when it is ready.

Fundamental Factors In Plant Care

General care should always consider the following factors: watering, soil, fertilization, light, and temperature.

Acknowledging that the natural habitat of your peace lily is the tropical forest floor, try to adapt the factors to the closest conditions of its habitat so that it flourishes and blooms.


Peace lilies like humidity, but be careful not to overwater them.

You can expect to water your plant about once a week. How often your plant needs water changes according to other factors (how much light it gets, the time of year, the temperature of the place where it is located). So it’s important to observe the soil and the leaves to judge whether it is time to water it. The soil should not be flooded, and the top should be dry or only slightly damp. If you forget to water it or it dries faster because the temperature rises, your plant will let you know, as its leaves will begin to droop.

To mimic the peace lily’s native tropical conditions, misting its leaves or having it near a humidifier is also recommended. Your plant will feel right at home in such humid conditions.


Although peace lilies can survive in poor soil, to really make your plant thrive, you should use soil with the following characteristics:

  • Retains moisture
  • Drains well
  • Is nutrient-rich

To help with this, you can use soil with plenty of plant humus.


Feed your plant with water-soluble fertilizers (preferably organic) following the instructions of the product.

The best time to start fertilizing is at the last days of winter to encourage the growth of new sprouts and, hopefully, flowers in the spring. However, overfertilization may cause green, weak-looking, or a general lack of flowers, so be sure only to use the amount indicated on the product.


Peace lilies thrive in shady environments, but they do need light to really shine. Try to avoid too much direct afternoon sunlight. Instead, consider a spot beside an east-facing window – bright but with partial shade.

If your plant is outdoors in a yard or balcony, remember to shade it with a screen or put it under another plant.

Once you settle on a location, remember to check the leaves occasionally. If there are brown spots or streaks, the sunlight is probably too intense, and you should move it to a shadier area.

Also, remember the seasons. A peace lily might feel great near the window during the fall or winter, but you may need to move it to a more sheltered location during the sunny summer months. Be attentive to how the sunlight shines in the place where you have your plant and, if necessary, change it. I assure you that anywhere your plant is happy, it will match your decoration.


As a tropical plant, just like you, peace lilies don’t like it too cold or too hot. Keeping the temperature between 65-85 ° F (18-29 ° C) will be ideal. Be careful with low temperatures as your plant cannot withstand cold drafts or temperatures below 45 ° F (7 ° C). Also, be cautious not to keep it near heaters or cooling systems, as these can cause sudden changes in temperature that your plant will not like. To get those beautiful flowers, you must keep them in the range of their ideal temperature.

Final Words

Follow these steps to keep your peace lily healthy and strong, and you will be rewarded, in time, with beautiful flowers. Just remember to keep your cool, and don’t succumb to the temptation of overwatering or drowning your plant in fertilizer. Peace lilies are grateful plants and will always make sure to show you how they are doing.

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